PA Plus - English free samples
Subscribers to PA Plus gain access to high quality, clear and concise English resources, all written by subject specialists with extensive teaching experience. Subscribers can enjoy the following resources at their fingertips:
- A range of materials to support planning for each year group. Writing exemplification materials for Year 1, 3, 4 and 5. Progression papers and writing models exemplifying grammar and spelling expectations across genres for all year groups.
- Detailed EYFS and KS1 guided reading documents aligning bookbands, word reading and reading comprehension expectations. KS2 guided reading materials to support stamina, fluency and inference to strengthen outcomes in reading comprehension.
- Subject leadership materials including new curriculum school evaluation, spelling scrutiny and work scrutiny. Documents specific to the teaching of grammar, spelling and phonics to support staff development. Phonics for spelling guidance. Guidance for parents.
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