This resource is designed to support teachers who have attended the Herts for Learning KS2 Reading Fluency Project training, and who have begun to implement the strategies within their own classrooms, and to share details about the intervention with colleagues back in their own settings. The intention is that, following delivery of this training, teachers will be able to implement the intervention, or chosen elements of it, effectively within their own KS2 classrooms.

This resource contains:

  • 3 x Implementation guidance training notes (pdf)
  • 3 x Implementation guidance PowerPoint slideshows
  • Guidance overview document (pdf)
  • Sessions 1-3 resource list (pdf)
  • Reading KS2 question stems (pdf)

The sessions are designed to be delivered in sequential order, and in quick succession e.g. over a period of 3 weeks, or combined into a longer INSET session.

Session 1: Understanding the intervention

Recommended duration 1.5 hours

Session 2: Delivering the intervention

Recommended duration 1.5 hours

Session 3: Clarifying expectations and monitoring impact

Recommended duration 1 hour

Resources required to deliver the intervention are provided within the training guidance notes, or within the zip folders. Where a resource exists on the internet, links have been provided.

Please note that trainers will have to provide video footage of their own pupils to supplement the presentations.

Free sample

These are so good and much needed. To have such quality tools and resources is invaluable. They are detailed and thorough for any SL.

Sonia Thompson, HT at St Matthews C of E Primary in Birmingham

The implementation guide was very detailed and really helped me to plan my session. It helped me to sequence the order of the training in a logical and clear way.

Laura Horseman, Assistant Headteacher at Swindon Academy

Subject English | Reading
Key stage KS2
Category Teaching & Learning

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