HR services portal
The HR services knowledge portal provides a wealth of materials including streamlined policies (consulted upon with recognised trade unions which means that schools and academies don’t have to) template letters, basic and specialist practice notes and a news bulletin feature where you will find regular education/employment news.
The HR services knowledge portal is only available to schools subscribing to a core or full HR service with Herts for Learning.
Find out more about our core or full HR services
or contact us on 01438 844873 or email
Subscribing academies can access the Academies HR portal for bespoke HR policies and guidance.
Contact details
HFL Education - resources
Latest blogs
Writing for pleasure – AND for assessment!
Alison Dawkins explores how writing that is for assessments can also be written for pleasure.
The fragile threads of mental health: why we should maintain a watchful eye on mental health in our schools
The fragile threads of mental health: why we should maintain a watchful eye on mental health in our schools.
Black and minority ethnic (BME), Health & Wellbeing, Leadership, Curriculum, Subject knowledgePLEASE MIND THE GAP and ensure you take all your ‘belongings’ with you - Part 1
Doug Harmer explores barriers to learning and their correlation with a ‘sense of belonging’.
Disadvantaged & Vulnerable, Ofsted, School improvement, Curriculum