PA Plus subscription area
Gain access to over 450 resources, supporting mid-term planning for English and maths, expert guidance on assessment models, plus Early Years resources.
The National Curriculum brings various challenges for schools, not least in mid-term planning for core subjects, including English and mathematics, as well as assessment and Early Years. To support this HFL Education has developed PA Plus an essential range of over 450 high-quality resources that support primary schools with planning, assessment and progress-tracking.
The resources are available as individual digital downloads or packaged as zip files for ease of downloading multiple files in one go.
Summaries of the resources published each term are below.
Autumn 2024
Working scientifically building blocks EYFS - KS2 (updates 'working scientifically wheels' resource)
Progression in working scientifically skills (updates 'science- criteria for working scientifically overview table Y1-6' resource)
Foundation subjects
Foundation Subject Leader resources
Resources for foundations subject leaders which bring together in one place a range of guidance and materials to support subject leaders’ thinking.
The Year 6 SATS analysis toolkit has been updated to include Question Level Analysis spreadsheets for the 2024 Year 6 SATs papers:
- Paper 1: arithmetic
- Paper 2: reasoning
- Paper 3: reasoning
For a reminder of how to make the most effective use of the toolkit, the guidance video, here, talks you through how to use each element.
Bar modelling in maths progression
Spring 2024:
Developing pupils’ mathematical reasoning in fluency
Year 6 revision tool – SATs Style Arithmetic Diagnostic Assessment
Handover headship toolkit - updated August 2024
End of Key Stage 2024 Reports - updated July 2024
Easy Tracking Resources for use in Arbor - assessment analysis - updated May 2024
Materials to support the Good Level of Development - updated April 2024
Spring 2024:
Progression in sentence structure
Autumn 2023:
Summer 2023:
Autumn 2023:
Year 1 Seasonal change booklet
Autumn 2023:
Subject leader toolkit for English 2023 (updated)
Six new Primary English plans for Years 1 -6:
Y1 Transition unit featuring Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen
Y2 Narrative unit featuring Frog and the Stranger by Max Velthuijs
Y3 Narrative unit featuring Mini Rabbit Not Lost by John Bond
Y4 Narrative unit featuring Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton
Y5 Narrative unit featuring Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham
Y6 Narrative unit featuring Night of the Gargoyles by Eve Bunting
Summer 2023
Three new Primary English plans for Years 1, 2 and 3 and a new unit:
Whole School ‘Explore and Engage’ unit featuring Coming to England by Dame Floella Benjamin.
New for Spring 2023: Two new Primary English plans for Years 3 and 6
These detailed plans will support teachers to deliver exciting and engaging narrative units, based around popular children’s books. The plans weave together the statements from the reading (word reading and comprehension), spoken language and writing (transcription, handwriting, composition, VGP and spelling) components of the Primary English Curriculum, showing how all of these aspects of learning can be addressed through creative learning experiences.
Y3 Stella and the Seagull persuasive unit
Y6 Blackberry Blue: And Other Fairy Tales by Jamila Gavin
Detailed English plans - September 2022
Y1 ‘Little Red And The Very Hungry Lion’ by Alex T Smith
Y2 Last Stop on Market Street by Matt le Peña and Christian Robinson
Y4 Amazon by Sangma Francis and Rômolo D’Hipólito
Y5 The Promise by Nicola Davies and Laura Carlin
Detailed English plan – Year 6 – Cogheart - updated to include resources
Phoneme spotters featuring long a, long e, long i, long o and long u. - September 2022
Early Years
Making the difference Early Years toolkit - key facts about funding and case study template - update August 2022
End of KS1 mathematics assessment toolkit - June 2022 (updated)
Mathematics - Year 6 SATs analysis toolkit - January 2022
Subject leadership toolkit for maths - updated January 2022
Focused English plan – Year 1 –The Jolly Christmas Postman unit
Focused English plan – Year 3/4 – The Iron Man narrative unit
Detailed English plan – Year 6 – Cogheart
Updated Reading Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs) and Assessing with Age-Related Texts (AART)
Curriculum re-focusing self-evaluation tools for English and maths
In these new curriculum re-focusing self-evaluation tools, we have identified the key strands of focus for both leaders and teachers and used them to create self-evaluation matrices.
English - refocusing the curriculum evaluation and resource summary
Maths - refocusing the curriculum evaluation and resource summary
Although these are specific to English/mathematics, the resources can be used to explore any curriculum area so are a useful suite of tools for all senior and subject leaders.
In addition, PA Plus Maths and English Resource Summary documents have been created to support high quality provision and curriculum refocusing. Each image within the summary document is hyperlinked so, if you are logged into your PA plus account, you can click the link to navigate to the exact downloadable resource. These identify key documents but there are many more useful resources on the site.
Early Years
Making the difference toolkit (2021 edition) - case study template and key facts about funding
Materials to support the prediction of the Good Level of Development (GLD)
Set of 12 remote learning cards
Reading Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs) and additional text guidance
Progression in text type documents
Models for writing for reception to Year 6 – instructions (Wolf In The Snow)
Models for writing for reception to Year 6 – explanation (Rosie Revere)
Key Stage 1 Mathematics TAFs within single and mixed year ESSENTIALmaths 2019-20
Subject leader toolkit for mathematics (updated)
2019 Key Stage Mathematics test papers mapped against ESSENTIALmaths
Written calculation policy (updated)
ESSENTIALmaths Autumn term diagnostic assessments Years 1-5
Detailed English plan - Year 1 - Poetry vocabulary building - Spring
Detailed English plan - Year 1 - Non chronological report - Summer
Detailed English plan - Year 2 - Poetry vocabulary building - Spring
Detailed English plan - Year 2 - Narrative - Summer
Detailed English plan - Year 3 - Traditional tales - Spring
Detailed English plan - Year 5 & 6 - Persuasion
KS1 guided reading booklet - revised October 2019
Early Years
HfL Early Years outcomes development progress 8-60 months
EYFS Principles of planning poster
Guidance on linking the HfL writing TAF with HfL phases and steps
Early Years
Early Years pupil premium case study and guidance
Disadvantage and vulnerable children assessment summary
EYFS entry cohort summary (schools)
ESSENTIALmaths Spring term diagnostic assessments Years 1-5
Stranded planning platforms years 1-6
Early Years
Points to consider for quality assurance of Early Years data
Materials to support with the prediction of a good level of development (GLD) in reception (Updated Dec 2018)
Early Years
Adult lead activity plan for reception
Nursery and Reception data analysis from entry to exit
Updated for Autumn 2018:
EYFS school assessment planner
EYFS data analysis
Disadvantaged and vulnerable children overview
HfL observation, planning and assessment for schools
Parent partnership documentation
Early Years Pupil Premium suite of products (all)
Planning Platforms Years 1-6 - (available as single years and as 1-6 combined)
Assessment - SIMS
SIMS reports - Nov 2018
SIMS templates - Sept 2018
ESSENTIALmaths diagnostic tests for Autumn term Year 1-5
SIMS AM7 reports - June 2018
End of Key Stage reports - June 2018
Detailed English Plans for Years 1-6:
Year 1 & 2 - Non-fiction instructions - Summer
Year 2 - Poetry - Autumn
Year 3 - Recount - Autumn
Year 4 - Myths - Autumn
Year 5 - Recount biography - Autumn
Year 5 & 6 - Cinquain poetry - Autumn
The HfL writing Teacher Assessment Frameworks (TAFs) - Years 1-6
The Key Stage 1 mathematics TAFs within ESSENTIALmaths 2018-19
The Key Stage 1 mathematics TAFs within ESSENTIALmaths 2017-18
Detailed English plans - Summer
Steps to spelling
Handwriting progression and toolkit - KS1 and KS2
Phonics for spelling and writing: essentials for KS2 leaflet
Updates to the SIMS AM7 templates and reports - full details of the updates, please see document PA015 Changes to the SIMS AM7 Templates/Reports – March 2018 under SIMS AM7 Reports
Attainment and progress methodology
Assessment guidance - updated 2018
Exemplification of standards in English - Year 3 - B2
Early Years
Disadvantaged and vulnerable children overview
GLD Predictor (Excel version) – In addition to the Word template provided to assist schools in predicting their Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of EYFS, we have now added an Excel version into the subscription package. This has the added advantage that the percentages on the sheet, for children predicted to achieve the ELGs and GLD, will be calculated automatically.
Checklist for keeping animals in schools and settings
Working scientfically criteria tracking sheets - version 2
Pupil progress meetings (PPM) guidance
English subject leader action planning support
Detailed English plans for Spring for Years 1 - 6
Proof reading for marking
Model for writing persuasion - Weslandia
Year 1 & 2 Recount Autumn unit plan
Detailed individual English plans for Years 1 - 6
Early Years
What analysis can I do with my EYFSP and Nursery results? (updated)
EYFS assessment planner for schools (updated)
Daily routine for reception
Learning journal guidance (updated)
Supersonic Phonics
ESSENTIALmaths implementation guidance and FAQs
ESSENTIALmaths planning Autumn
Addressing progress in maths toolkit
Pupil progress meetings (PPM) guidance
Triangulating evidence
Progression in mental maths
End of Key Stage Analysis reports
Early Years
EYFS Exceeding statements
Mastery self-evaluation tool
Early Years
EYFS data analysis proforma - to help you to record information and support the analysis of your summative data.
Spoken language progression (years 1-6)
Models for writing - persuasion (persuasive speech)
Verb forms (additonal)
Progression for bar modelling
Take one resource - a quick look at some key resources in mathematics and provide a range of practical ideas to help practitioners use them even more effectively.
Checking ARE
Working mathematically in the EYFS to Y6 - the progression skills have been re-formatted for each individual phase to support teachers when planning opportunities.
PA Plus - English
Access to high quality, clear and concise English resources, written by subject specialist advisers.
PA Plus - maths
High quality, clear and concise mathematics resources, written by subject specialist advisers.
PA Plus - Early Years
A range of easy to use templates and guidance tools that will help staff at all levels working in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
PA Plus - science
High quality, clear and concise science resources, written by experienced science teachers.
PA Plus - assessment resources
All the resources required to use the HFL approach to primary assessment of reading, writing, maths and science.
Leadership and management
Additional resources to support leadership and management in primary schools.
Up-to-date, practical, easy to use resources to support primary planning and assessment
Contact details
HFL Education