Data management services portal
The Data Management Services portal contains information, resources and guidance to support schools, academies and multi-academy trusts to harness the power of their Management Information System (MIS). Our aim is to help schools and academies gain maximum benefit from their investment, through a range of services and support developed to help headteachers, senior leaders, business managers and school administrators make effective use of the tools at their disposal to produce evidence to raise academic standards, track individual pupil attainment and maintain efficient business and administrative processes.
Access to the resources will require a subscription login. If your school does not currently have an MIS support contract with HFL, please contact us for further information.
Arbor support
Information and guidance for schools using the Arbor Management Information System.
Bromcom support
Information and guidance for schools using the Bromcom Management Information System.
SIMS support
Information and guidance for schools using the SIMS Management Information System.
ScholarPack support
Information and guidance for schools using the ScholarPack Management Information System.
Training and events
Information on our CPD and events; including key training courses and User Group events
Contact details
Data Management Services