HfL has completed a rigorous and robust procurement process to create a multi-supplier licensing framework for MIS, providing schools with greater choice of Management Information Systems at competitive prices. 

    Contracts have now been awarded based on the following criteria and weighting assigned:

    • non-technical requirements (e.g. security, maintenance, implementation etc.) 35%
    • technical functionality 20%
    • application design 15%
    • price 30%

    Framework awards

    Lot number Lot name Supplier name Supplier ranking
    Lot 1 Primary on premise solution Bromcom 1
    Lot 2 Primary cloud based solution






    Lot 3 Secondary on premise solution Bromcom 1
    Lot 4 Secondary cloud based solution




    Lot 5 MAT Cloud based solution





    Schools and settings should use the Lot most closely aligned to their requirements, e.g. special schools with secondary aged pupils would select a secondary lot; First schools or nursery settings, a Primary Lot.  If you are in any doubt about which Lot is most appropriate, please contact us.

    What does this mean for your school?

    In line with DfE recommendations, HfL advocates the advantages of cloud technologies and can provide advice and support for schools considering a move to the cloud.   

    HfL and the appointed framework suppliers hosted a series of webinars throughout the autumn term with further information on the new framework and details of choices and options available to you, see links below under ‘Further Information’ to view the recordings.

    Hertfordshire maintained schools will need to let us know whether they wish to move to the new Framework or to make direct arrangements for SIMS licences by 15th December 2021.

    Complete our Framework Enquiry Form to find out more about moving to the new framework, request indicative licence pricing or a quote for HfL support:

    Framework enquiry form

    Continuing with ESS/SIMS

    Whilst SIMS is not part of our new Licensing Framework, we recognise that some schools will wish to continue using SIMS as their MIS.

    If you are a Hertfordshire maintained school and have renewed, or intend to renew your SIMS contract with ESS for 2022, please let us know by completing this quick online notification of contract renewal with SIMS form.

    MIS support

    HfL will provide support for Arbor, Bromcom and ScholarPack, in addition to our existing support for SIMS, enabling schools to select the MIS system that best fits their requirements and budget. Please be aware that support and training will be quoted separately by HfL, licence costs will be provided by the MIS supplier.

    Using the Framework

    Where multiple suppliers were successful bidders on a Lot, they have been ranked in order of their scores against the criteria.  Our guide to the framework arrangements document below outlines the process for using the framework.

    Further information

    HfL hosted a series of initial webinar sessions in late September. These sessions provided an opportunity to ask questions and to see a demonstration of the MIS on the framework.  If you were  unable to attend a live session we have provided recordings of the events, plus a Q&A document for each session reflecting the active engagement and questions within the sessions.

    Please note you will need to be logged in to the DMS portal to access this link: Webinar recordings and Q & A sessions

    General information about the MIS on the framework is available from the supplier websites:




    Procurement advice


    Case studies

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything with us, please do email us on help@sd.hertsforlearning.co.uk or call 01438 544466 option 1 then option 1.

    Contact details